Upcoming In-Person, Place-Based Events
Forest School Teacher Training
March 24-26
in Partnership with ETSU Department of Early Education
Jonesborough, TN | Camp at Buffalo Mountain
Forest School Teacher Training & Additional Level I FS Naturalist Certification
April 14-17
with Middle Susquehanna Riverkeeper Association and Vernal School Environmental Education Partnership
Danville, PA | Montour Preserve
Forest School Teacher Training
May 19-22
with Support from the Boston Outdoor Preschool Network
Boston, Massachusetts
Forest School Teacher Training
May 28-30, 2025
in Partnership with Red Bank Elementary School
Chattanooga, TN
On-site Studio Sessions
with Dr. Jean Lomino
Two-day Immersions
Offered Monthly
Chattanooga, Tennessee
On-Site Forest School Teacher Training
with Dr. Jean Lomino
By Appointment Only
At Your School
Coming Up This Year
June 2-4, 2025 | In-Person Forest School Director Training, Chattanooga, TN

Third Annual Forest School Teacher Training
Forest School Teacher Institute in Partnership with The Department Of Early Childhood Education - East Tennessee University
March 24 - 26, 2025
The Camp at Buffalo Mountain, 201 Methodist Camp Road, Jonesborough, TN 37659
Join Dr. Jean Lomino, Founder and Director of Forest School Teacher Institute along with ETSU professors of Early Childhood Education, Dr. Jane Broderick and Dr. Pam Evanshen at The Camp at Buffalo Mountain for three days of sweet communion with like-minded people, learning together how to engage with children in a forest school. The Camp at Buffalo Mountain is tucked into a scenic valley in the Cherokee National Forest. You can explore miles of trails, a cascading mountain creek, and a reflecting pond set among the gifts of an Appalachian Spring.
Participants will gain Forest School Teacher Skills and Knowledge:
- Observe children, learning best practices for documentation and assessment, preschool through middle school at Seedkeepers Forest School onsite and just down the road, at Fauna Forest Farm.
- Understand the principles of child-directed Emergent Learning and create seasonal learning frameworks
- Discover the importance of Place-based Education and how to integrate Culture and Heritage in Forest School
- Participate in Mindfulness and Nature Journaling and learn how these skills benefit children in FS.
- Identify the benefits of Story-Telling through observation and practice
Additional Benefits:
- Introduction to Forest School online course FREE with this registration; should be completed before the March training.
- FSTI Certificate of Completion for 24 hours of FS Teacher Training
- Free nature journaling supplies
- Networking and inspiration throughout the training
- Free EVENING MEAL, March 24 with GUEST SPEAKER (TBA), March 2
ENROLLMENT DEADLINE: March 17, 2025. Maximum participants: 25
LODGING AND MEALS: are not included in the tuition with the exception of the evening meal March 24.
- ON-SITE LODGING through Airbnb is available. For more information go to www.thecampatbuffalo.com and click on menu item “Airbnb.”
TUITION: (Choose one of these two options)
- Enroll through the Forest School Teacher Institute: $850. Complete the Enrollment Form Below.
For any questions or more information about this certificate of completion, contact Dr. Jean Lomino at [email protected].
- Enroll through the Department of Early Childhood Education, East Tennessee State University as an Independent Study, to earn Academic Credit (2 credits, undergraduate or graduate credit.)
To Enroll as an Independent Study, for tuition rate and more information contact: Dr. Pam Evanshen: [email protected].
March 2025 In-Person Teacher Training Enrollment Form
Please understand the enrollment process is a 2-Step Process.
Clicking Submit at the bottom of this form is Step 1. Step 2 will be payment. You will receive confirmation after your application and payment is received.

FSTI with Middle Susquehanna Riverkeeper Association
and Vernal School Environmental Education Partnership
Plus Additional Level I Forest School Naturalist Certification
April 14-17, 2025
The Montour Preserve | 374 Preserve Road Danville, PA 17821
We are excited to announce our first Forest School Teacher Institute Certification Course in the state of Pennsylvania. Enjoy sweet communion with like-minded people, while exploring 640 scenic acres at Montour Preserve. Training will take place onsite, amidst forests, meadows, a 165-acre lake and a remarkable fossil pit!
You will observe children engaging in self-directed exploration at nearby River Valley Nature School while practicing observation and assessment strategies. Discover how to use music as a teaching tool and gain firsthand knowledge about historical and place-based learning. Special topics of study include: the Power of Partnerships and How to Empower Kids to be Storytellers, taught by John Zaktansky, Executive Director of Middle Susquehanna Riverkeeper Association.
In addition to the three-day Teacher Certificate training, April 14-16, led by Dr. Jean Lomino, FSTI Founder and Director, you will also receive 8 hours of Naturalist Certificate training on April 17, led by a team of PA Master Naturalists and others.
- Prerequisite online Introduction to Forest School Course of Study (3 classes,1.5 hours each), should be completed before April training
- Receive a FSTI Certificate of Completion for 26 hours of FS Teacher Training
- Receive FSTI Certficate of Completion for 8 hours of Level 1: Forest School Naturalist
- Enjoy a catered evening meal Monday, April 14
Enjoy evenings together and deepen connections by staying at this Airbnb (included in the $850 tuition rate).
ENROLLMENT DEADLINE: April 7, 2025 | Maximum participants: 24
Limited Scholarships are available. To apply email: [email protected]
Pennsylvania In-Person Teacher Training Enrollment Form
Please understand the enrollment process is a 2-Step Process.
Clicking Submit at the bottom of this form is Step 1. Step 2 will be payment. You will receive confirmation after your application and payment is received.

May 19-22, 2025
Forest School Teacher Institute is delighted to announce that we are bringing our training to Boston, Massachusetts with support from Boston Outdoor Preschool Network! This opportunity is the right choice for educators and advocates from around the world who seek to provide nature-based preschool education in urban and suburban settings. During this four-day event, participants will complete 26 hours of observation, instruction and practice, to earn a Forest School Teacher Certificate of Completion. And of course, all of this happens amidst the beauty and energy of one of America’s most historic cities!
- Prerequisite online Introduction to Forest School Course of Study (3 classes,1.5 hours each)
- 26 hours of class instruction and observations of children at nature preschools, led by FSTI founder, Dr. Jean Lomino, and others
- Visits to a different BOPN location each day, observing a range of program models in diverse settings such as an arboretum, historic estate, and zoo
- Certificate of Completion for Forest School Teacher Course of Study
- Evening meal with Sarah Besse, Co-Founder & Executive Director of BOPN
Optional Friday Field Trips - at no additional cost
- Friday, May 23:
- Observation at a nature preschool class at any BOPN location.
- Other options - TBA
- Volunteer Opportunities:
- Participants may contact Sarah Besse if they would like to volunteer at BOPN after the training. State-required background record checks require advance planning.
To register for field trips or to volunteer, email: [email protected]
ENROLLMENT DEADLINE: May 12, 2025 | Maximum participants: 20
LODGING AND MEALS: are not included in the tuition with the exception of the evening meal with Sarah Besse May 19.
- Airbnbs may be available in Jamaica Plain or Roslindale which are both within walking distance of the Arnold Arboretum. If needed, we can connect participants with one another to book lodging together.
- Beacon Hill Friends House is a lovely community with guest rooms, located in the heart of historic Boston.
- Please email [email protected] if you need assistance with the cost of housing
Important Considerations
- Be prepared for a great deal of walking, often at a brisk pace and in hilly terrain.
- Most of the training sites can be accessed by walking and public transport. Car-pooling may be an option for Tuesday’s session.
- Sessions will take place outside in all weather. Refer to the “gear and supply list” included in the welcome letter.
- Keep in mind that restrooms will not always be close by.
TENTATIVE DAILY SCHEDULE (subject to change)
Monday: (Arnold Arboretum):
- Observe a BOPN class at the Arnold Arboretum in Jamaica Plain
- Afternoon at Roslindale Library where we will learn about the FOUNDATIONS OF EMERGENT LEARNING and how it is featured in both private and public preschool settings.
- Dinner at Sarah’s house
Tuesday: (Eustis Estate in Milton)
- In the morning we will gather at historic Eustis Estate (website) where we will learn about the history and benefits of NATURE JOURNALING through a presentation, followed by guided activities and personal practice in the forests and meadows onsite.
- In the afternoon we will learn how to integrate MINDFULNESS, RITUALS AND SCHEDULES and CULTURAL THEMES AND ACTIVITIES (Place-based Education) in a nature preschool setting.
Wednesday: (Arnold Arboretum)
- Morning Meet-up at the Arnold Arboretum to observe and learn about BOPN’s Forest Days program (a public school partnership program.)
- In the afternoon at the Roslindale Library we will work in teams to develop EMERGENT LEARNING SEASONAL FRAMEWORKS.
- Participants will end the day with a self-guided NATURALIST STUDY during an Arboretum exploration.
Thursday: (Franklin Park Zoo)
- Participants will observe a BOPN’s universal pre-k class, followed by a discussion with the teachers.
- NATURALIST STUDIES: Zoo educator presentation–Animals Native to the US.
- Participants will share their COURSE SYNTHESES
- The session will conclude with a Self-directed Exploration at the zoo.
Friday: (Optional Field Trips)
Evening Consultations with Jean may be scheduled as time allows.
With Special Thanks to:
Boston Outdoor Preschool Network (BOPN) is a nonprofit organization focused on nature-based early education. They bring families together in community and give children a joyfully muddy childhood under the loving guidance of dedicated teachers. Their goals are to promote children’s physical and mental health, encourage environmental stewardship, and to develop habits of mind such as curiosity, initiative, persistence, creativity, problem-solving, and responsibility. BOPN is committed to expanding access to nature-based early education.
Boston In-Person Teacher Training Enrollment Form
Please understand the enrollment process is a 2-Step Process.
Clicking Submit at the bottom of this form is Step 1. Step 2 will be payment. You will receive confirmation after your application and payment is received.
In Partnership with Red Bank Elementary School
Chattanooga, TN
May 28-30, 2025
And everyone interested in Forest School
Join us in Chattanooga, Tennessee to discover how outdoor/nature-based education (Forest School) helps all children become healthier, physically and emotionally, and helps them experience the joy of learning—a significant factor in personal and academic success.
Day One: We will explore Reflection Riding Arboretum and Nature Center where Dr. Jean Lomino will lead a nature/history hike, with mindfulness activities and nature journaling. You will learn strategies and lessons for engaging children in nature at all grade levels. Jean was the Executive Director of Reflection Riding for nine years, and then in 2015 co-founded and directed Wauhatchie Forest School. She is the Founder and Director of Forest School Teacher Institute and has trained over 1000 teachers from around the world to provide nature-based education for children of all ages, in both private and public schools
Day Two: You will learn firsthand how to align outdoor/nature-based learning with learning standards and curriculum, as you visit Red Bank Elementary School and Lookout Valley Elementary School. These schools have established Forest Kindergarten, Forest First Grade and Forest Second Grade in their programs. Tours and instruction will be led by Kim Hakimian, Forest Program Coordinator and Kindergarten Forest Co-Teacher at RBE.
Day Three: You will engage in further training and practice by 1) learning observation and assessment strategies and then practicing these strategies while watching a group of children in a forest school setting, 2) engaging in a panel discussion with public school teachers and principals who have forest school programs, and 3) taking deeper dive into emergent learning, working in teams to develop seasonal learning frameworks.
Benefits: Teachers will leave the training--
- Inspired and encouraged to provide outdoor/nature-based learning for their students
- Empowered with knowledge and practical ideas and lessons to engage their students in outdoor/nature-based learning.
- Invigorated with a new joy in teaching!
Days 1-2 | $150 (w/o certificate of completion from FSTI)
Days 1-3 | $400 (with certificate of completion from FSTI)
Enrollment Deadline: 5/17 | Maximum Participants: 25
Chattanooga, TN In-Person Teacher Training Enrollment Form
Please understand the enrollment process is a 2-Step Process.
Clicking Submit at the bottom of this form is Step 1. Step 2 will be payment. You will receive confirmation after your application and payment is received.

Forest School Studio Sessions
In-person with Dr. Jean Lomino
in Chattanooga, Tennessee
- How do I expand my forest school program to older children?
- What are the best ways to document and present the benefits of FS for parents, donors and community?
- How can FS be integrated into a public school setting?
- How can I build greater awareness of forest school in my community?
- What site or program enhancements could I add to my forest school?
- Should I consider expanding the reach of my forest school with multiple locations?
- What are the pros and cons of using sites on public land, private land?
If these are some of the questions you have been asking, consider joining Dr. Jean Lomino for a Forest School Studio Session in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Explorations and conversations highlight these personal and transformative experiences all set in the place where Jean started her own forest school journey. As you walk the scenic acres of Lookout Lake, where Wauhatchie School was born, she will share the story about how this little school influenced nature-based learning throughout the Chattanooga area and beyond. You will gain inspiration and a renewed sense of purpose visiting public and private Forest Preschools, Kindergartens and programs for older students along with meeting school founders, principals and teachers.
Tuition: $989 individual | $949 group rate per participant (2 or more)
Timeframe: 2 full days
Group Size: Each session capped at 6 participants
Tuition also includes one of the following options:
- Online Introduction to Forest School Course of Study
- Two online Forest School Teacher or Director classes
- Two hours individual zoom consultation(s) with Jean Lomino
Tentative Schedule (other dates may be considered for groups of 3-6 from the same school or organization)
July 17-18
August 28-29
September 25-26
October 9-10
November 20-21
December 4-5
December 11-12
"The June 2024 studio session with Dr. Jean Lomino was an inspiring and informative experience. The variety of Forest Schools in the Chattanooga area is so rich and vibrant that it's hard to come away from the studio session without your head swimming in new thoughts and ideas about how the Forest School philosophy could be implemented in your own program. I would recommend the studio sessions to anyone looking for a better perspective on the flexibility of the Forest School movement." --Stephen Pullom, June 2024 Studio Session
Email Dr. Jean Lomino to AttendOther Offerings!
Custom-designed experiences -- professional development, certification training, consulting, site development, travel-studies, and retreats!
- Professional Development: Established private schools and traditional public schools in California, Colorado, Florida, Indiana, Kentucky, and Tennessee have networked with FSTI for whole staff training experiences in a variety of formats -- in-person, virtual, one-week intensives, and monthly sessions over the course of a school year. Reach out to us if we can help you solve a problem or better realize your vision.
- In-person Certification Opportunities: Regional, site-based teacher and director certificate courses are offered for individuals, schools and communities. FSTI will come to your neighborhood!
- Consulting Services: Our diverse and experienced team of thought-leaders are available as consultants (by the hour or the project) on topics such as: budget management, site development, fund-raising, forming community partnerships, curriculum frameworks, multi-age learning environments, accessibility for diverse learners, overcoming bias, integrating academic standards, social-emotional wellness, staff training, vision-casting, child development, Montessori immersion, naturalist training, nature journaling, and school management.
- Travel Studies: Our most recent trip (Spring 2022) to study forest schools in England opened eyes, deepened understandings, and built friendships. We are planning more to other destinations. Requests have come forward for Scotland, South Korea, Colorado, Scandinavia, and Canada. Watch our site or follow our Facebook page for upcoming opportunities.
- Retreats: We call it sweet communion -- seasonal retreats with kindred spirits in beautiful places. Let us know if you are interested in hosting a retreat in your neck of the woods!
Browse Our Archive of Recent Past Events
Fall Forest School Teacher Training
At Woodsong Forest School
October 2024
Johnston Woods
Join us for 3 days of sweet communion amidst stunning fall scenery, with a cadre of like-minded folk from around the US. Dr. Jean Lomino, Founder and President of Forest School Teacher Institute, and Bonnie Cretton, Founder and Director of Woodsong Forest School will co-facilitate FS Teacher Certificate Training at Johnston Woods Retreat Center home of Woodsong Forest School, set amidst 400 acres of forest, meadows, creeks and lakes.
This training intensive will feature observations of children at Woodsong, preschool through elementary. Participants will gain FS skills, knowledge, and inspiration including: Observation and Assessment Strategies, Child-directed Emergent Curriculum in nature-based programs, Cultural Themes in Forest School, Practicing Mindfulness and Nature Journaling, among other offerings.
Experienced naturalists will also be on hand to lead participants into a deeper understanding of general ecology, developing observation skills, and learning field identification of local flora and fauna. Lead naturalist is Dr. Carl Swafford, Professor Emeritus at Southern Adventist University, and founder of the MSED in Outdoor Education Program.
- Introduction to Forest School online course FREE with this registration; should be completed before the October training.
- Receive a FSTI Certificate of Completion for 32 hours of FS Teacher Training
- Network and gain inspiration with attendees from around the US and beyond
- Gain the many personal benefits of time spent in nature
Forest School Director Training
July 2024
Join us in Chattanooga Tennessee for the first-ever, In-Person Director Certificate Training! Our journey will begin at Lookout Lake Farm, the birthplace of Wauhatchie Forest School. Each day we will explore forest schools in the region that were inspired by this small beginning. Training will provide firsthand knowledge and skills to help you plan, develop and manage programs, as we meet with Forest School founders, directors, and teachers as well as community leaders who currently partner with Forest Schools. And perhaps the greatest benefit will be sweet communion with a cohort of like-minded people from around the country.
Participant Benefits:
- 24 hours of training which includes presentations, discussions, and individual consultations
- Certificate of Completion for Forest School Director Course of Study
- Follow-up Zoom Meeting to share Synthesis Projects and collaborate
- Online collection of templates for Forest School Management and many other resources
- This event is limited to only 12 participants.
Woodsong Forest School with Founder and Director Bonnie Cretton, Cleveland, Tennessee
Wauhatchie Forest School with Founder Jean Lomino and Head of School Amanda Martin, Chattanooga, Tennessee
Red Bank Elementary School, Chattanooga, Tennessee
Nature Kin Farm & Forest School at Crabtree Farms with Founder and Director Jean Lomino and Assistant Director Stephanie Lomino, Chattanooga, Tennessee
May 2024
Forest School Teacher Institute
in collaboration with Mind Body Nature Counseling
Creative Writing and Nature Therapy Workshop:
Writing Your Wilderness -- Finding Self in Nature
LIVE, On-line Virtual Event
In this hands-on workshop, we will demonstrate how to creatively interact with the natural world as a raw, ready, and real resource that can help you process emotions, untangle thoughts, and generate whole-body wellness.
Join us to learn strategies to weave nature-based creative writing experiences into therapeutic practices that can reconnect you to the natural world, to yourselves, and to the beautiful wilderness that lives inside us all.
Author Emma Hudelson leads the Butler MFA Writing for Wellness initiative. She holds a PhD in creative writing from the University of Cincinnati, and her research areas include narrative medicine, expressive writing, and critical autoethnography. At the intersection of these fields lies creative writing for wellness, and Emma loves harnessing the therapeutic power of creative writing with her students. Since 2017, she's led Writing for Wellness workshops in the Indianapolis community and beyond. Her first book, Sky Watch, will be released in March 2024 with the University Press of Kentucky. Emma lives on the east bank of the White River with her husband and daughter, and she will forever be a horse girl.
Therapist Bailey Sims holds a MA in clinical mental health counseling from Christian Theological Seminary and a BA in cross cultural community development. She is also a registered yoga teacher. She works as a mental health counselor in Indiana, holding space for transformation and incorporating mindfulness, body and nature-based modalities into her work. Cultivating experiences for people that instill love, compassion, and comfort is her life's work.
March 2024
Forest School Teacher Institute
in Partnership with
East Tennessee State University
Department of Early Childhood Education
and Level I Forest School Naturalist Certificate
Camp at Buffalo Mountain, 201 Methodist Camp Road, Jonesborough, Tennessee
Join Dr. Jean Lomino (Founder/President of the Forest School Teacher Institute) and professors Dr. Jane Broderick and Dr. Pam Evanshen (ETSU Dept. of Early Childhood Education) for this four-day intensive. Practical and place-based, hands-on learning will include:
- observation and assessment strategies
- mindful site tours of students at Seedkeepers Forest School and Fauna Forest Farm
- practice of emergent learning techniques
- place-based activities including naturalist skills, nature journaling, comtemplative practices, learning frameworks
Forest School Teacher Training is conducted in partnership and endorsed by the Early Childhood Education Department of East Tennessee State University.
March 2024
Forest School Teacher Certificate
with Additional Certificate:
Nature's Therapy for Children's Mental Well-Being
At Paradise Canyon, Rio Medina, Texas
Join Dr. Jean Lomino, President and Founder of Forest School Teacher Institute and Sloyd & Croft for a one-of-a-kind, four-day intensive training and retreat designed for Forest School Facilitators thriving in unique environments like cactus-filled landscapes, caliche, and road runners. Embrace the beauty of nature even in arid settings!
Dr. Jean Lomino, PhD: Meet the requirements for a Forest School Teacher Certificate through the Forest School Teacher Institute. Dive into emergent learning, flow learning, observation and assessment, inquiry learning strategies, nature journaling, integrating cultural and heritage themes, and sit spots, rituals and schedules. Training also includes daily Nature Field Observations and a Naturalist-led session. Participate in small group and individual mentoring opportunities.
Dr. Wanda Hillard DNP, APRN, PMHNP-BC, and Tracy Ziomek, RN, BSN: Nature’s Therapy Certificate, Enhancing Mental Well-Being in Children in the Forest School setting. Gain practical experience in sensory exploration, stress relief, teamwork, and creative expression, relaxation techniques and positive affirmations taking ques from the environment. Take home 15 outdoor wellness experiences you can implement immediately. Enjoy small group coaching opportunities to get answers to questions for your unique setting and situation.
Delaney Ziomek of NEW Ember Winds Forest School
Kevin Cooley of Drumming Around
Amy Sterner and her therapy poodles of Hill Country Therapy Tales
Sloyd & Croft, the Boat Brothers
February 2024
Northeast Indiana Workshop: Exploring the Nature of Forest Schools
Location: Merry Lea Environmental Learning Center of Goshen College, Albion, Indiana
Join Merry Lea Environmental Learning Center and the Forest School Teacher Institute (FSTI) for a two-day immersion into nature-based learning. At the core of this professional development opportunity will be multiple nature-based site visits to observe preschool and elementary children along with their teachers.
Conversations and deep dives into relevant topics including:
- What does observation and assessment look like in the forest?
- What is the teacher’s role in outdoor classrooms?
- How does free play contribute to academic success?
- What is it about nature’s classroom that engages children so deeply?
- What does the research say about the worth of this type of experience for children in today’s world?
- Do I have to be a naturalist to take children into nature?
- How might this look in my neck of the woods?
September 2023
Forest School Teacher Certificate Training with additional Endorsement for Social and Emotional Well-Being
Hosted by Sloyd & Croft: An American Slöjd School at Paradise Canyon
Rio Medina, TEXAS (near San Antonio)
Over 50% of US parents are currently reconsidering their child’s educational environment. They are searching for schools that provide a place for children to experience the joy of learning within a healing environment. Forest School philosophy can provide a solution. Join us for this special training event designed for new and seasoned professionals alike in beautiful Paradise Canyon. Experience a packed, four-day training program that emphasizes the integration of best practices from both education and clinical health into the Forest School setting.
Training Facilitators:
- Jean Lomino, Ph.D., Founder/President of the Forest School Teacher Institute
- Wanda Hillard, DNP, MBA, APRN, PMHNP-BC, Founder of Thrivability
- Tracy Ziomek, RN, BSN, Founder of Sloyd & Croft
- Plus guests: Kevin Cooley, Therapeutic Percussion, and Amy Sterner, Anxiety Relief with Animals
June 2023
In-Person Forest School Teacher Certification
Lookout Lake Farm in Chattanooga, Tennessee
Join Dr. Jean Lomino, Founder and President of Forest School Teacher Institute, at Lookout Lake Farm, the birthplace of Wauhatchie School and the current site of Nature Kin Farm and Forest School for a three-day Forest School Teacher training intensive. Inspiration, wonder, and awe abound on the scenic trails of Reflection Riding Arboretum &Nature Center and the lakeshore, woods, and fields of Lookout Lake Farm. We will observe children learning through exploratory play at local forest school camps, engage in debrief sessions, and participate in classes including Emergent Curriculum in Nature-base Learning, Cultural Themes in FS, Practicing Mindfulness, Nature Journaling, and three hours of Naturalist Training.
Participants will:
- Practice observation and assessment strategies.
- Learn to use questioning for creating on-the-spot activities that enrich/extend children’s
discoveries - Understand backwards-lesson planning and create learning frameworks
- Learn how to incorporate heritage and cultural studies in a forest school setting
- Engage in mindfulness practices including sit spots and nature journaling
Spring 2023 Retreat
Living the Forest School Way
Location: Camp at Buffalo Mountain, 201 Methodist Camp Road
Jonesborough, Tennessee
Join Forest School friends, fans, and colleagues for a weekend of sweet communion at Camp at Buffalo Mountain Retreat Center. We promise to nurture your body, mind, and soul as we uncover how Forest School ethos can be a way of life. A series of workshops and conversations will address "living the forest school way."
March 2023
Forest School Teacher Institute
in Partnership with
East Tennessee State University
Department of Early Childhood Education
Forest School Teacher Certification
Camp at Buffalo Mountain, 201 Methodist Camp Road, Jonesborough, Tennessee
Join Dr. Jean Lomino (Founder/President of the Forest School Teacher Institute) and professors Dr. Jane Broderick and Dr. Pam Evanshen (ETSU Dept. of Early Childhood Education) at Seedkeepers Forest School and the newly opened Fauna Forest Farm for this three-day intensive. Practical and place-based, hands-on learning will include:
- observation and assessment strategies
- mindful site tours of intentional outdoor learning environments
- practice of emergent learning techniques
- place-based activities including naturalist skills, nature journaling, comtemplative practices, learning frameworks
January 2023
Gateways to Emergent Learning
Fernandina Beach, Florida
Join Jean Lomino along with Dr. Carl Swafford and other forest school colleagues to take a deep dive into using nature journaling as means to connect with the natural world. We will engage in teaching strategies and activities for interdisciplinary, multi-age learning in nature, while exploring the many social and emotional benefits of nature journaling for children. These benefits include 1) learning how reflection and silence helps us connect with our own bodies and minds, 2) discovering a bigger view of the world, its “wholeness,” interconnections and our place in it all, and 3) respecting the ordinary—which leads us to understand that all things are extraordinary! In these ways children learn about hope and how they can live in a peaceful community with their nature kin. Teachers will leave the training with a seasonal framework using nature journaling to integrate multiple topics and subject areas (and meeting academic standards, if needed.)
September 2022
In-Person Forest Teacher Certificate Training
Join Dr. Jean Lomino on the beaches of northeast Florida for a three-day teacher intensive. Activities include observing children doing “forest school” in the sand and surf and in coastal wetlands, learning together about emergent curriculum, introducing cultural themes into forest school, practicing mindfulness, journaling, and naturalist training.
Participants will:
- Practice observation and assessment strategies
- Learn to use questioning for creating on-the-spot activities that enrich/extend children’s discoveries
- Understand backwards-lesson planning and create learning frameworks
- Learn how to incorporate heritage and cultural studies in a forest school setting
- Engage in mindfulness practices including sit spots and nature journaling
July 2022
Natural Start Alliance
Nature-Based Early Learning Conference
Cincinnati, Ohio
Jean and Joe will be presenting at the Natural Start Alliance Annual Conference.
This is a conference of kindred spirits that will inspire and inform your work. Consider joining us for this interactive session!
Bushwhacking: Untethered and Holistic Learning for Children 6-12
How does nature-based learning work for elementary-age children? How does child-directed learning correlate with academic skill development? These are leading questions as schools expand the use of outdoor learning spaces. Discover how emergent learning integrates seamlessly with academic subjects.
July 2022
Louisville Forest School Summer Day Visit
Enjoy a day-long sojourn in Kentucky observing, conversing, and communing with a network of forest schools.
June 2022
Jonesborough, Tennessee Workshop
Forest Schools: Children Learning in Nature
Join Dr. Jean Lomino at The Camp at Buffalo Mountain, the home of Seedkeepers Forest School. Experience three days of sweet communion, nature-inspiration and focused professional growth. The training is designed for both experienced forest school practitioners and those who wish to learn about the philosophy and practice of forest school education. There will be time to explore over one-hundred scenic acres onsite with creek, pond, gentle trails, plus easy access to numerous public trails and waterfalls in the area, including part of the Appalachian Trail and the Nolichucky River. This workshop is conducted in partnership with, and endorsed by, the Early Childhood Education Department of East Tennessee State University.
Included in the workshop:
- Multiple Forest School training sessions
- Observation of students and debrief at Seedkeepers Forest School
- Conversations with FS leaders and teachers in the field
- Nature Journaling, sit spots, and naturalist training
- Personal consultations with Dr. Jean Lomino
June 2022
Chattanooga Workshop
Forest Schools: Creating Emergent Learning Frameworks Pre K-5
Join Dr. Jean Lomino at Lookout Lake, the birthplace of Wauhatchie Forest School and the new Nature Kin Farm and Forest School. This training is designed for both experienced forest school practitioners and those who wish to implement emergent learning in their individual teaching practice.
Participants will:
Practice observation strategies to uncover children’s areas of interest during exploratory play
Learn to use questioning for creating on-the-spot activities that enrich/extend children’s discoveries
Understand backwards-lesson planning and create learning frameworks
Discover how to incorporate emergent learning in STEM/STEAM programs
Take home a seasonal learning framework to use in their individual teaching venues
April 2022
Spring Tour:
Forest Schools in England
Join Dr. Jean Lomino for an inspiring Forest School Learning Odyssey to the South of England. After three days in London, we will lodge in Canterbury and visit surrounding villages for a taste of authentic English living. We will tour forest school programs in various settings in Kent—on the seashore, at a farm, in city centers and in the forest. Our host, Clair Stevens, is a leading forest school global advocate based in England, an author, speaker and a professor of Early Learning at Canterbury Christ Church University. She opened an award-winning nursery school, Manor House Nursery and Forest School, in 2008. Jean and Clair will co-facilitate class sessions designed for trip participants.
Location: Kent County in Southeast England. Historic Canterbury will be our "base-camp"!
Forest School Site Visits:
- Tiny Tribes Outdoors, Whitstable, UK
- Brightstart Forest School, Margate, UK
- Forest School at Kearnsey Manor, Ewell, UK
- Lead by the Wild, Whites Wood Farm, Ashford, UK
- Manor House Forest School, Margate, Kent