We exist to help you

KIN-NECT the children in your life

with the awe and wonder of the natural world.



A Path for Everybody

No matter your location or experience, there is a way to be at home in nature.

Share Nature with CHILDREN in Your FAMILY

If you homeschool or are looking to add more nature-based experiences into your day, this is a great path! We provide all of the tools needed to get you started and help you feel confident as you discover and uncover nature together.

Share Nature with CHILDREN in Your NEIGHBORHOOD

If you enjoy bringing children together with others, consider heading down this path. We will help you build networks with community members and find nature resources all around your neighborhood no matter where you live! 

Share Nature with CHILDREN in Your SCHOOL

If your are a teacher or school leader, this is the place to learn how the great outdoors can build context for all academics while also benefiting social-emotional wellness. Extend and deepen learning by taking your students outdoors!

"Nature is all around us, from a tiny sidewalk crack to a gorgeous mountain pass to the vast ocean to even our own backyard or balcony.  Spending time outdoors is an essential to life. It can reduce stress, boost concentration, inspire hope and create community. It is also the best way to inspire a child's learning and growth."

                            --Dr. Jean Lomino, Founder
Learn More About Jean and Her Team

What can you expect from Nature Kin?

Nature Kin is on a quest for sweet communion. We hope to build a community where synergy and joy abounds to make the world a better place, but also to fully embrace this moment. Right here, right now.


You will help build a community of people committed to getting children outside, everyday. Together, we will share stories and resources.

Expert Advice

Between our members and our consulting team, you will have input and inspiration to create your own pocket forest school! You are not alone.


To be hopeful, we must do hopeful things. Our world and our children need people like you working to make a difference. Let's do it  together.

Parents and Grandparents are saying:

"I didn't know there were so many ways enjoy nature. We now have so much fun as a family when we go outside."

Teachers and School Leaders are saying:

"My pocket school grew from my two children to ten neighbor children! They love spending time in nature."

Nature Kinfolk and Members are saying:

"I love the international community here. I've learned a child's joy is the same all over the world."